OBJECTIVE: This article provides the instructions on how to use the Sandata Mobile App in Offline Mode when clocking in and out in an area with poor connection.
1. Log in to the device in a connected state at least one time so the user information can be stored on the device to be used in the offline mode state.
NOTE: It is important to login prior to going for your visit in an area with poor connection in order for you to view schedules in the app in offline mode.
2. Enter 3-8463 in the Company ID field. The Company ID for IL is
NOTE: 3-8463 is the Missouri-specific Company ID.
3. Enter the given Sandata username in the Username field.
4. Enter the given Sandata password in the Password field.
Resource: Sandata: Setting Up Account via Mobile App
5. Login to the device again while in offline mode.
NOTE: If you get an error message, this is due to the device attempting to connect to a cellular signal. Please place the device on airplane mode which prevents the device from attempting to connect to a cellular signal.
6. After clocking in and out and documenting your visit tasks and notes in the offline mode, please ensure you are connected to data or Wi-Fi by turning off airplane mode or connecting to Wi-Fi for at least 1 minute to allow the data captured at the visit to flow into Sandata.
Source: User Support Analyst